Sunday, June 17, 2007

Chapter 4 - The Essence of Understanding

The method that Keene used in Adolescent Literacy to engage students was remarkable - much different from how most of us were taught. This kind of ties in to a prior reading - using stories to teach any core content hooks students and makes the content easier to digest -yet brings even more meat to the senses. I was particularly struck by the students who were forthright in expressing why they were able to engage in discussion now when normally it was like pulling teeth. They seemed to agree that the way the lesson was presented heightened their sensory awareness (i.e., visual – as from the photos – and emotional), thus keeping them focused and wanting to know more. Also, allowing more time for concepts to be built on, without a sense of urgency, seemed to be a component the students felt was missing from the everyday classroom. It makes me very sad when I hear stories like this (i.e., students feeling like they're just doing what it takes to make the grade), especially since this is why I hated school so much. Honestly, if it gets to the point where my students feel that all they are getting from my class is "the grade," then it’s time for me to quit.

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