Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Fun with the ToonDoo
Monday, July 2, 2007
What I believe...
Strategies for the Future
My topic for the Reader/Writer's Project is "What are some effective and viable building block strategies for teaching math vocabulary that I can use to help my students attain content literacy?" In the past, I taught vocabulary rather passively in math (not in reading), but now I realize the necessity in students taking a more active role in their vocabulary learning process, utilizing background knowledge and connections that work for them so that they can have an arsenal of vocabulary that makes sense to them. I want students to be better equipped before they read the text and before taking part in explicit lessons.
If anyone would like to write to me about their ideas for teaching vocabulary, your comments are welcome.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Writing from the Inside, Your Way, and Commonsense Matters
I love Tom Romano’s description of the writing process and “Now you don’t see it, now you do.” Murray similarly punctuates this by stating, “Writing is not thinking written down after the thinking is completed. Writing is thinking.” Rief also designates a paragraph subtitled “Writing is Thinking.” Thanks guys for explaining this. I know too many people who click those keys fast and the written words appear like magic. It makes me sick. When I write, frustration is overwhelming at first because my thoughts are racing and jumbled. Organizing ideas on paper appears impossible, but once I achieve complete quiet with no interruptions the words finally begin to flow. Often, eyes must close and focus is a concentrated effort, but eventually ideas form and the printed words come alive as they appear on the screen.